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“A big thank you for speaking about your book, Birds of the Perth Hills, at Boya Community Centre.. The event was eagerly anticipated by our audience, having booked out in record time. We are still getting questions about where the book can be purchased, and comments about how enjoyable and engaging Talitha’s event was. The images and short video were just beautiful, wonderfully complementing and highlighting the talk. We enjoyed hosting the Birds of the Perth Hills talk very much.”


Let me know if you would like anything else. JJ


Kind regards


Ginetta Evans

Librarian – Community Engagement

Shire of Mundaring Libraries


Talitha’s crystal clear photographs and detailed species accounts introduce the reader to nearly 50 species of birds found in the Perth Hills. The book provides a practical resource to the growing number of naturalists enthusiastic to learn about birds in this unique region, which is located in a place internationally recognised for its biodiversity. Given

that in a rapidly expanding era of digital media, photography has provided an entry-point for many a new member of the bird-watching community, its is even more fitting that Talitha has designed the book with budding photographers in mind. Her attention to detail is excellent, and each image has been carefully selected to give the species accounts maximum visual diversity. Talitha has provided many useful photographic hints and tips, and even crafted a unique ‘Skittish Rating’ which is both humorous and extremely

helpful for those early worms wishing to catch a bird!

 I have no doubt this book will be sought out by both professional and amateur ornithologists and

photographers alike.

Simon Cherriman Perth Hills Ornithologist,

Photographer and Filmmaker





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I was visiting Lake Leschenaultia with my family on the weekend and I stumbled across your amazing book – Birds of the Perth Hills - in the café for sale on the counter. 

I just LOVE observing birds in the wild - especially Wagtails, Magpies and Pelicans – and since moving to Viveash near Midland have enjoyed spotting many species along the river whilst walking or playing with the kids. Your book is the perfect sized reference guide I have been looking for to encourage and inform me on my new-found birdwatching adventures!  

I also hope to complete some embroidery artwork of my favourite winged specimens to adorn my home, and your photographs will help a great deal with that project! 

I hope you won’t mind that I’ve written to you; I wanted to say what an incredible and amazing guide you have produced. My children (Aged 5 and 6) and I have loved looking through it and I can see you have spent a great deal of time and care in photographing, researching and putting everything together. And I think it is so wonderful also that you have donated the proceeds to Kanyana.  

You are an exceptionally talented and wonderful young lady and the world needs more humans like you in it! 

Congratulations and thankyou for informing and inspiring my new-found passion for twitching!

Farrah G


Talitha has compiled a beautiful and comprehensive guide that is perfect for bird lovers and those of us wanting to learn more about our amazing birdlife. Wonderful photography complimented by detailed information.

Lita O'Keefe

Seeds in Schools

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A big thank you for speaking about your book, Birds of the Perth Hills, at Boya Community Centre. The event was eagerly anticipated by our audience, having booked out in record time. We are still getting questions about where the book can be purchased, and comments about how enjoyable and engaging Talitha’s event was. The images and short video were just beautiful, wonderfully complementing and highlighting the talk. We enjoyed hosting the Birds of the Perth Hills talk very much.

Ginetta Evans

Librarian – Community Engagement

Shire of Mundaring Libraries




Birds of the Perth Hills talk was presented by the very talented young author Talitha Huston. A highly engaging visual presentation well thought out, interactive, fun and informative. Talitha provided much information about local birds and her writing and photography tips used to create her book. She had participants guessing bird calls and then watching an amazing visually entrancing video of birds in the region, eating, flying, preening etc all brought to life with stunning appealing photography and video.

Feedback was exceptionally good, and considering the audience 100% ticked Excellent, it is indicative of how appreciative they were of the presentation and

of Talitha’s skills and confidence in delivering

a thoroughly engaging talk.

Science Week- Author Talk 

Feedback @ Lesmurdie Library


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What a wonderful book this is.

It is obvious that so much work has gone into it.

Talitha is a very good photographer and researcher.

The publication is equivalent to a professional who has been in the business of publishing excellent work for years and years. This a wonderful publication.

State Library of Western Australia


© 2021 Talitha Huston            Photographer     Videographer    Author    Speaker

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